Manx Learning

Serious Case Management Reviews 

The Isle of Man Safeguarding Board has a legal responsibility to undertake Serious Case Management Reviews (SCMRs). This is when serious harm has occurred to a child, young person or vulnerable adult and there may be concerns about the way the different agencies have worked together to safeguard the person(s) in question. 

The purpose of an SCMR is to review cases and identify whether there are lessons to be learned from the way agencies worked together on the case, identify what those lessons are and how they will be acted upon and improve inter-agency working as a result. 

Reviews must focus on learning not blaming, and engage practitioners and managers in recommending ways the safeguarding system and practice can be improved or strengthened. It is critical that reviews also focus on what worked well, to allow front line staff and managers to build on identified good practice.

The Board members must ensure the learning is well disseminated and embedded and making a real difference to practice. Members also track progress on the implementation of recommendations through its Serious Case Management Review Panel. The Board will be testing the impact on practice using its new Quality Assurance and Scrutiny Framework.

The reports are published on our website to enable the sharing of learning across the workforce. All reports are anonymised for publication and published on this site.

Other Reviews, Learning Reports, Audits and Action Plans

The Board also undertake a number of other learning, audits and reviews to provide assurance and assist with improving practice, where necessary. Where relevant the learning will be made available via this page.

Quality Assurance and Scrutiny


The Board is currently developing a comprehensive Quality Assurance and Scrutiny Framework that will use detailed evidence from a variety of sources to evaluate the effectiveness of safeguarding, the impact of the Boards work and whether there is evidence of improved outcomes for Isle of Man citizens. It will draw together evidence from:

  • Single agency and multi-agency audits
  • Practice
  • Feedback from service users
  • Feedback from families and carers
  • Feedback from practitioners
  • Feedback from stakeholders
  • Performance data
  • Learning from local and national reviews

This is brought together and assessed in order to determine the quality of practice and an action plan drawn up to drive any improvements necessary. The Board will then retest after an agreed time period, to measure the impact of the multi-agency work.

Performance Dataset

The Board uses information from Board member organisations and others to assess the effectiveness of child and adult protection and safeguarding arrangements across the Isle of Man.

Our priority is to ensure that the dataset is used by the Board to identify and address emerging trends, to evaluate the impact of multi-agency work on the Board priorities and to ensure that improved outcomes for children and vulnerable adults and their families can be evidenced.